I like the wow gold, I liked it because of its style but many other wow gold would not have also sufficed.
I really love these wow gold and i will be ordering them other one. These wow gold are so nice.
This screenshot was taken from www. worldofwarcraft. com (my armory page) I have killed Kelthas exactly 43 times up to this date. Thats 43 wow gold usweeks!!! Getting close to a year and I have not seen it drop ever.
My husband whos a bear tank and I have been 2 manning it all these times and it never dropped. Recently he even leveled a DK tank and I have been going on my priest alt trying to get it and we still cant get it on our alts either! We began doing Kelthas on our alts because in MOP (Mists of Pandaria) many mounts are going to be BOA (Bind on Account) so it doesnt matter what alt has what mounts, they will all sync together on every toon, except the Gladiator mounts of course. Trying to get a 10 man group with your guild
So my guild only recently began wow gold trying to get heroic Ragnaros 10 man kill. I went with that team twice as a boomkin and hated being a dps. I did 15k dps on heroic Rag (I know its? pathetic) I was also dpsing by wearing 2 pcs of resto gear and it gave me 10% healing bonus lol. Obviously I could not pull 30k dps as someone in a group did with legendary staff and in full 410 gear.
Anyway since we had like 6-8 healers who have expressed their interest in healing heroic Ragnaros, my raid leader told me Id have to roll with them for a spot every time and see whod get to go. In my opinion it should just be 10 people who continue progress and farm it till everyone gets a mount but I guess he wanted to be fair to every healer and i get it. Buying heroic Ragnaros Mount
Heroic Ragnaros Mount
Anyway, seeing all these people in SW sitting on fiery birds made me literally salvate.
I do not like buying mounts, I? prefer? to earn them through dedication and hard work and 99% of my mouths were earned by me, for this mount I was willing to make an exception.
Ive contacted and made many posts on my realm forum but received not that many replies. There were people selling heroic Rag mounts on other servers and with new feature such as: Cross realm raid, its a great option. The downside to this option is that you must have a guild at least lvl 2 (to be able to move it to another server) and you move your gold with your guild to another server. You pay these people you dont even know the gold and then wait and hope they have integrity and legit. you know what I am talking about?
So the idea for me to level or buy a lvl 2 guild and move it to another realm with real money didnt set well with me. First of all, I dont want to spend real $$ if i can get it for virtual wow gold, second most of these guilds/people demanded full payment up front and guide, Wow mounts,
My fiance bought the black and chestnut for my Christmas gifts this year! I can't wait until my birthday!!! Must add new colors to my new collection.... Love thwow goldem!!!
This wow gold fit true to size.and i am glad I did. They are great for work and a walk day in the mall/park/city. I will cheap wow gold recommend this wow gold to all